Residential Solar Rebates
What rebates are available?
- There are two types of rebates available, the federal Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) program, and the Solar Victoria Solar panel (PV) rebate/loan program and/or Solar battery loan program.
- All installations under 100kW are eligible for STCs, regardless of whether you’ve previously accessed a STC rebate or not. The Solar Victoria Rebate and Loan program has eligibility requirements (see below).
Eligibility requirement: STCs
- The STC rebate is not means-tested and is accessible by everyone. However, the solar PV system or product you purchase in order to receive STCs must adhere to the Clean Energy Council (CEC) design and install guidelines, only use panels and inverters on the CEC approved list, comply with the relevant standards (like AS 4777), and be installed by a CEC accredited installer.
- Not only is Green Sky Australia an accredited CEC Retailer, we only use CEC accredited installers, and we ensure we only use quality, CEC approved panels, inverters, and batteries.
Eligibility Requirement: Solar panel (PV) Rebate/loan program
You are eligible to receive a rebate for installing a solar PV system if you meet the following criteria:
- You are the owner-occupier of an existing property or the owner of a home under construction where the system is to be installed;
- The combined household taxable income of all owners is less than $210,000 per year (based on the previous year’s Notice of Assessment);
- The property is valued at under $3 million, or a home under construction that will be valued at under $3 million at the time of completion;
- The property address has not previously received a solar panel (PV) rebate under the Solar Homes Program;
- The property has not had a solar panel (PV) system installed in the last ten years.
More details can be found in this fact sheet (for the rebate) and this fact sheet (for the loan).
Eligibility Requirement: Solar battery rebate program
You are eligible to receive a battery rebate if you meet all of the following criteria:
- You are the owner-occupier of an existing property where the system is to be installed;
- The combined household taxable income of all owners is less than $210,000 per year;
- Your property is valued at under $3 million;
- Your property address has not previously received a solar battery rebate;
- Your property has a solar panel system with an inverter capacity equal to or greater than 5kW, or will have one installed in conjunction with the solar battery installation;
- Your energy storage solution has a capacity equal to or greater than 6kWh and is listed on Solar Victoria’s battery product list and the property does not have an existing energy storage system;
- Pre-approval is obtained from your Distributed Network Service Provider (DNSP) to safely connect a battery to the grid;
- You agrees to receive information from their Distribution Network Service Provider about taking part in battery trials to maximise the value households get from them.
More details can be found in this fact sheet.
How do I apply for a rebate?
- As part of our service, we take care of the paperwork relating to the STCs. All you will need to do is assign over the STCs to us, which we will explain upon completion of the installation.
- With Solar Victoria, we will create a quote for you with the agreed rebate. Once you accept our quote, we will upload it into the Solar Victoria portal, and send you an email with the steps for you to follow. You can read more about the application process here (for the solar PV rebate) or here (for the battery loan)